Tongue Thrust Exercises 11
Tongue Exercises
Put a small sugarless mint or candy (a raisin or cheerio will work, too) on the tip of the tongue and touch it to the roof of the mouth of the alveolar ridge. Hold the mint between the tongue tip and ridge while a swallow is made. Do not let the tongue go forward against the teeth; rather, keep it on the alveolar ridge. Swallow repeatedly, holding the mint up, until the tongue becomes very tired. Remember, the correct swallow is an up and back motion, not down and forward.
When the mint is gone or eaten, swallow again, keeping the tongue up in the same position. Try to swallow this way from now on. Do not allow the tongue to touch or push on the front teeth; make sure the tongue goes up and back, not down and forward.
Now take a piece of celery or carrot and chew it up, keeping the lips closed as you chew. Swallow the celery or carrot, remembering to keep the tongue tip up on the alveolar ridge. Do not allow the tongue to push on the front teeth.
Now drink a glass of water. Again, remember to swallow with the tongue in this new swallow position. Do not let it touch, push, or come through the front teeth.
Sound Exercises
With the tip of the tongue positioned down
behind the lower teeth, make the /z/ sound repeatedly.
Detach and return to the speech therapist on _______________________________
Tongue Thrust Exercises #__
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Tongue Exercises |
Sound Exercises |
My child did this week’s home assignments as indicated above and I have recorded the number of minutes for each group of exercises.
Signed ___________________________________