Library Media Center
Hours of Operation 7:45 – 3:30 Monday - Friday Scheduling Classes Mrs. Deffenbaugh will be in the Library Media Center (LMC) Monday through Friday. Communication Arts Classes are scheduled several days a week, but the library is open to any students needing assistance. Student Access Students may visit the Library Media Center (LMC) anytime during the school day with a pass from their teacher. Students may visit during their lunch period if there is not a class using the LMC at the time. Teachers may reserve the use of the LMC. Checkout Procedures Books are checked out for a two-week period, and can be renewed. Gateway Award Books can be renewed for two weeks. Students with overdue materials will be allowed to check out items at the Librarian's discretion. Computer Usage/Internet The Internet is accessible from the students' Chromebooks and the networked stations in the LMC computer lab. Students must have a signed Computer Use Agreement on file with the District to use the CHS computers, and are expected to comply with all stipulations set forth therein. Minor students must have a parent/guardian signature. Per the CHS Student handbook, students are not allowed to bring/use their personal devices other than cell phones at school. LMC Staff Lisa Deffenbaugh | HS Library Media Specialist M.S. in Library Science | University of Missouri
Overdrive/Sora CHS Online Databases Purdue Owls Research Tools Digital Literacy
Library Policies and Procedures